Aerodynamics Analysis
Aerodynamics Consultants Ltd started in 2010 as a company focused on aerodynamic and fluid dynamic analysis for large and small clients on a contract and consultancy basis. It has diversified into also providing professional sUAV services building on years of RPV flying experience and engineering analysis. Aerodynamics consultancy is still available.
Extensive experience in analysing CFD results, distinguishing between flow phenomena and numerical artefacts to obtain valid flow solutions. Advice can be given on your projects remotely through email or web conferencing.
STAR-CCM+, FLUENT, PowerFLOW, Paraview. On-site use of your CFD software and computing or, by arrangement, off-site calculations can be performed.
Clients and previous employers include Airbus (Filton), BAE Systems (Warton), Jaguar LandRover (Gaydon), Bentley Motors.
(Note: all analyses described here are work that has been conducted by our engineers either in previous employment posts or as contracts through Aerodynamics Consultants Ltd. All images here are closely representative of those projects but are stock images; actual results remain completely confidential.)
Wind Tunnel Testing Engineer
Designing and Specifying Wind Tunnel Tests, Run programmes, on the floor coordination.
Experienced with medium and large scale tunnels, rolling ground, laser sheet visualisation, capture of unsteady phenomena, and immediate design work responding to ongoing testing.

Drag Estimation
Combining experimental results, semi-empirical methods with CFD calculations to obtain drag prediction results for a range of components and whole vehicles.
Civil aircraft, combat aircraft, passenger cars, aerial weapons, antennas, excrescences and unusual components and configurations.
Novel Configurations & Applications
Highly experienced in providing reliable aerodynamic analysis of a wide range of flow fields and applications.
Aerodynamic effects of Chines around fuel tanks, including modelling store jettison trajectories
Stores Release - mathematical modelling of weapons launch and fuel tank jettison for concept designs.
Laser-Targeting Pod design - transonic and supersonic drag of various design options
Eurofighter Typhoon Canopy gaps concessional drag penalties
Jet plume mixing for noise reduction from aircraft turbo-jet nozzles
Architectural aerodynamics - advising on the design of a sculpture to act as a windbreaker for St Anne's seaside town in Lancashire.

Computational Fluid Dynamics
Meshing, Flow Solving & Post Processing
Wing Design - subsonic and transonic including winglet design
Passenger Cars - Jaguar Land Rover F-Pace and aerobucks
Fluid Mechanics - two-phase flow analysis of centrifugal separator
Stores & Weapons Drag & Loads estimation
Using Euler, Viscous-coupled, Navier-Stokes (RANS) & Lattice Boltzmann methods as appropriate.
CFD Software is decided for each project, previously STAR-CCM+, PowerFLOW & FLUENT have been used, as well as various client-company in-house packages.
John Whitehouse B.Eng. (Hons) M.Sc. AMRAeS
Having graduated from Cranfield University with an M.Sc. in Aircraft Aerodynamics, I spent 8 years working for British Aerospace Airbus and BAE Systems military aircraft. This was followed by several years of contracting at various companies in the automotive and aerospace sector as an Aerodynamicist. I now perform commercial drone flying as well as continuing to provide consultancy services in aerodynamics. If you require an engineer with a sound understanding of air flows, who is familiar with using CFD and empirical methods, please feel free to contact me for a chat about how I can help you.